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Community / support / Albums not showing in media sync
As the the title states, I have nothing showing in media sync tab. Android S22 running the most recent version of s3drive. I've allowed permissions Halp!!
👍 1
Hi, Can you try accessing media from the: "Albums" bottom nav? Are you getting the permission prompt at all? Would be also interesting to see if you have anything interesting inside logs (long-tap version number at the bottom of About page).
Everything seems to show normally in albums and files can open
3:17 PM
Let me see logs
3:17 PM
Sorry, but I somehow missed this. Are you still experencing this issue? Am I correct to understand that you can't see the: "Media backup" after clicking the item in the drawer menu?
Tom changed the channel name: Albums not showing in media sync 10/23/2023 9:23 AM
To add to this, I have the same issue when trying to select albums to sync. All albums show correctly in the bottom nav, but when pressing the "cloud" button, it yields the same result, and infinitely loads. I've set up a sync job from a specific folder on my phone as a work-around. Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra Android 13 (root) App version 1.9.1
Hi @toddletoon, Thanks for report. We've found an issue which could've caused that and releasing a hotfix (build: 10090107) on Android. Depending on the release delay it may take couple hours to a day. I will let you know once it's live.
Hi again @toddletoon, It's all live. Please let me know whether it works for you. Thanks!
Excellent, just checked and working perfectly!
The underlying issue was that app have failed to load thumbnail for one of the albums. The fix is to not "fail" the whole functionality because of that. We're still not exactly sure why is that, perhaps you have some folder which contains some media in a different format? Can't tell exactly, but glad you can open it now. (edited)
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